terça-feira, 1 de maio de 2018

In breve the new Periodic Table of the Elements Chemicals

Editora STM e vendas de livros Publishing house STM and sell of books
In breve the new Periodic Table of the Elements Chemicals
(In brief)
Em breve a nova Tabela Periódica dos elementos Químicos

4.0 Berullium (Be)

5.0 Bohrium (B)

6.0 Carbon (C)

7.0 Nitrogen (N)

8.0 Oxygen (Ho)

9.0 Fluorine (Phl)

10 Neon (Ne)

11 Natriun (Na)

12 Magnesium (Mg)

13 Aluminium (Al)

14 Silicon (Si)

15 Phosphorus (P)

15 Sulfur (S)

17 Chlorine (Cl)

18 Argon (Ar)

1.0 Hydrogen (H)

2.0 Helium (He)

3.0 Lithium (Li)

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